In many apartments in the Vancouver’s west end, a typical truck mounted carpet cleaning system will just not work. This is why AAA Miracle crew uses the very best in portable carpet cleaning equipment.
This is why our expert staff use carpet cleaning equipment that delivers much more than what a truck mounted system can do. Our state of the art portable carpet cleaning equipment has a 12 gallon portable extraction podm and with a extra large 27 gallon clean water holding tank with a removable “Extractor Pod” (Pump Out Device). This enables the operator to clean more than twice as long compared to a standard extractor without stopping to refill.
The AAA Miracle carpet cleaners using unique modular design allows the Extractor Pod to be easily removed from the lower 27 gallon holding tank for easy loading and unloading from vehicle. What this means to you is that our carpet cleaners are always ready to put all of their effort into the proper cleaning procedures that deliver the cleanest carpets for your downtown West End Vancouver apartment.
* Accidents happen – a knocked-over glass of red wine, food spilled, even pet stains. And even if we intend to deal with them as quickly as possible, stains still happen. That’s where carpet cleaners come in, with onboard cleaning solution and a built in spray at the nozzle to power through wet spills and stains.
Reach out to us and well be able to take care of everything for you & for any other cleaning needs or junk removal, reach out to our sister company Cleaning Maid.